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Choosing Between Vape Pens and Vape Pods


Vape pens, and vape pods are very popular. To help anyone who is choosing to choose them, our team at JOCEIG has put together some information you may find useful.

When shopping for e-cigarettes, there are many different devices to choose from, whether you've ever vaped or not. Generally speaking, the vast majority of e-cigarettes you come across will fall into one of the following categories; vape pens, vape pods, or vape mods. While spotting vape mods tends to be fairly easy, they're often larger and bulkier, and it's not always easy when it comes to differentiating vape pens from vape pods.

Both devices are so popular that many vapers automatically switch to pens or pods. However, if you haven't used either of them before, you might be wondering which is better, and if there's really a big difference between the two. So, to help anyone who is choosing between buying a vaping pen or pod, our team at JOCEIG has put together some information that you may find useful.

What Is a Vape Pen?

As the name suggests, e-cigarette pens are similar in shape and size to pens, most similar to classic e-cigarettes. Within this single category, there are many different types of e-cigarettes, and the pens vary in color, style, power level, and functionality. However, e-cigarette pens are generally known for their ease of use.

The vast majority of vape pens will consist of the following components; a battery, a tank, and a mouthpiece. You simply fill the tank with the vape juice of your choice and press the button on the battery to heat that juice. You can then inhale through the mouthpiece to get steam. It's really easy.

What Is a Vape Pod?

Vape pods have a slightly different shape than vape pens, they tend to be more rectangular. There are different types of pods you can get today, and they've come a long way since JUUL designed the first of its kind. Having said that, they are still very easy to use, even easier to use than vaping pens.

A vape pod has only two parts; the battery and the pod filled with e-liquid. All you need to do is press the pre-filled pod onto the battery, and you're ready to go. Most vape pods tend to be automatic, meaning all you do is drag across them to get the vapor, there's not even a button to press. Again, this couldn't be easier.

Which Device Is Best to Use?

In addition to being simple to use, both vape pens and vape pods are very convenient to carry around, and they both have decent battery life (when you buy a good make and model). People choose these devices because they make it easy to vape, and you don't have to worry about having to set up the device before using it.

Many will agree that one device is not "better" than the other and they both meet the needs of the vast majority of vapers, especially first-time vapers. It will be a personal decision when it comes to choosing the best cigarette to use, and it usually comes down to whether you want something that feels more like a traditional cigarette.

Due to the wide variety of vape pens and vape pods these days, you'll likely be able to find your favorite devices in both categories. So, rather than ruling out one or the other, you'd be better off browsing both options and learning more about a particular make and model before choosing.

Buying a Vape Pen or Vape Pod

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of these two popular types of vaping and why they are so popular. When choosing between the two, as mentioned above, it's a matter of personal preference, and ultimately, the overall vaping experience you want will determine which device is better for you. You might want to try both vaping pens and pods before deciding which one to use long-term.

Whether you're looking to buy a vape pen, vape pod, or both, be sure to browse our product listings. We stock a wide range of e-cigarettes and you can be sure we will have the perfect device for you. If you are still not sure which one to choose, welcome to contact us, our vaping experts can give you suitable advice.

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